
The Commands can be listed out by passing the help flag to pkpass as seen below

usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Public Key Password Manager

positional arguments:
    card                List the available cards and which card you have
    clip                Copy a password to clipboard
    create              Create a new password entry and encrypt it for
    delete              Delete a password in the repository
    distribute          Distribute existing password entry/ies to another
                        entity [matching uses python fnmatch]
    export              Export passwords that you have access to and encrypt
                        with aes
    generate            Generate a new password entry and encrypt it for
    import              Import passwords that you have saved to a file
    info                Create a new password entry and encrypt it for
    list                List passwords you have access to
    listrecipients      List the recipients that pkpass knows about
    modify              Modify the metadata of a password
    recover             Recover a password that has been distributed using
                        escrow functions
    rename              Rename a password in the repository
    show                Display a password
    update              Change a password value and redistribute to recipients
    interpreter         Interactive mode for pkpass

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Path to a PKPass configuration file. Defaults to
  --version             Show the version of PkPass and exit


Card lists out available card slots and the currently chosen one

usage: card [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [--certpath CERTPATH]
                      [--color COLOR] [-i IDENTITY] [--no-cache] [-q]
                      [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


The intent of clip is to copy a password to your clipboard on the unlock event, currently we are aware of a bug with linux systems

usage: clip [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                      [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR] [-i IDENTITY]
                      [--keypath KEYPATH] [--no-cache] [--nopassphrase]
                      [--noverify] [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--stdin]
                      [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-t TIME] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  --noverify            Do not verify certificates and signatures
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -t TIME, --time TIME  Number of seconds to keep password in paste buffer
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Create is used to create a password in the configured password repository

usage: create [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                        [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                        [-e ESCROW_USERS] [-i IDENTITY] [--keypath KEYPATH]
                        [-m MIN_ESCROW] [--no-cache] [--noescrow]
                        [--nopassphrase] [--nosign] [--overwrite]
                        [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--stdin]
                        [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -e ESCROW_USERS, --escrow_users ESCROW_USERS
                        Escrow users list is a comma sepearated list of
                        recovery users that each get part of a key
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  -m MIN_ESCROW, --min_escrow MIN_ESCROW
                        Minimum number of users required to unlock escrowed
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --noescrow            Do not use escrow functionality, ignore defaults in rc
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  --nosign              Do not digitally sign the password information that
                        you are generating
  --overwrite           Overwrite a password that already exists
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Delete a password in the repository; pkpass will ask for confirmation. A user could also just remove the file. This is mostly just to allow testing to be a little faster

usage: delete [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                        [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR] [-i IDENTITY]
                        [--keypath KEYPATH] [--no-cache] [--overwrite]
                        [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--stdin]
                        [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --overwrite           Overwrite a password that already exists
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Distribute takes a pre-existing password in the password repository and grants permission to selected users to be able to unlock it This function resolves filename matching via python’s fnmatch module, depending on the string you may need to pass the value through in single quotes

This function will confirm password list is valid even if only one password matches

usage: distribute [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                            [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                            [-e ESCROW_USERS] [-g GROUPS] [-i IDENTITY]
                            [--keypath KEYPATH] [-m MIN_ESCROW] [--no-cache]
                            [--noescrow] [--nopassphrase] [--nosign]
                            [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--stdin]
                            [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-u USERS] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -e ESCROW_USERS, --escrow_users ESCROW_USERS
                        Escrow users list is a comma sepearated list of
                        recovery users that each get part of a key
  -g GROUPS, --groups GROUPS
                        Comma seperated list of recipient groups
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  -m MIN_ESCROW, --min_escrow MIN_ESCROW
                        Minimum number of users required to unlock escrowed
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --noescrow            Do not use escrow functionality, ignore defaults in rc
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  --nosign              Do not digitally sign the password information that
                        you are generating
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -u USERS, --users USERS
                        Comma seperated list of recipients
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Export allows the current user to migrate all his passwords to one file, this tends to be used in conjunction with import

usage: export [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                        [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                        [-i IDENTITY] [--no-cache]
                        [--nocrypto] [--nopassphrase] [-q] [--stdin]
                        [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwfile                path to the import/export file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --nocrypto            Do not use a password for import/export files
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Generate allows a user to specify a password name and to have the pkpass system generate it based on a regular expression an example rules_map could look like the following

usage: generate [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                          [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                          [-e ESCROW_USERS] [-i IDENTITY] [--keypath KEYPATH]
                          [-m MIN_ESCROW] [--no-cache] [--noescrow]
                          [--nopassphrase] [--nosign] [--overwrite]
                          [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [-R RULES]
                          [--rules-map RULES_MAP] [--stdin]
                          [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -e ESCROW_USERS, --escrow_users ESCROW_USERS
                        Escrow users list is a comma sepearated list of
                        recovery users that each get part of a key
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  -m MIN_ESCROW, --min_escrow MIN_ESCROW
                        Minimum number of users required to unlock escrowed
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --noescrow            Do not use escrow functionality, ignore defaults in rc
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  --nosign              Do not digitally sign the password information that
                        you are generating
  --overwrite           Overwrite a password that already exists
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  -R RULES, --rules RULES
                        Key of rules to use from provided rules map
  --rules-map RULES_MAP
                        Map of rules used for automated generation of
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Import allows a user to take an exported password file and import them into a new smart card

usage: import [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                        [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                        [-i IDENTITY] [--no-cache]
                        [--nocrypto] [--nopassphrase] [-q] [--stdin]
                        [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwfile                path to the import/export file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --nocrypto            Do not use a password for import/export files
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Info displays metadata to the user about a given password

usage: info [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [--certpath CERTPATH]
                      [--color COLOR] [-i IDENTITY] [--no-cache]
                      [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Creates an interactive session, the default behavior of pkpass if no arguments are passed

usage: interpreter [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                             [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                             [--connect CONNECT] [-e ESCROW_USERS] [-g GROUPS]
                             [-i IDENTITY] [--keypath KEYPATH] [-m MIN_ESCROW]
                             [--no-cache] [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q]
                             [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  --connect CONNECT     Connection string for the api to retrieve certs
  -e ESCROW_USERS, --escrow_users ESCROW_USERS
                        Escrow users list is a comma sepearated list of
                        recovery users that each get part of a key
  -g GROUPS, --groups GROUPS
                        Comma seperated list of recipient groups
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  -m MIN_ESCROW, --min_escrow MIN_ESCROW
                        Minimum number of users required to unlock escrowed
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


List shows all passwords available to a given user

usage: list [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [--certpath CERTPATH]
                      [--color COLOR] [-f FILTER] [-i IDENTITY] [--no-cache]
                      [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [-r] [--stdin]
                      [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Reduce output of commands to matching items
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  -r, --recovery        Work with passwords distributed through escrow
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


List the recipients that pkpass knows about

usage: listrecipients [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE]
                                [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                                [-f FILTER] [-i IDENTITY] [--no-cache] [-q]
                                [--stdin] [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Reduce output of commands to matching items
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Modify the metadata of a given password

usage: modify [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [--certpath CERTPATH]
                        [--color COLOR] [-i IDENTITY] [--no-cache]
                        [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


Recover serves the purpose of recovering escrowed passwords in the event no one in the distributed list can properly unlock a password. This requires password owners to have created escrow users. Each necessary escrow user will place his share into the program.

usage: recover [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [--certpath CERTPATH]
                         [--color COLOR] [-e ESCROW_USERS] [-i IDENTITY]
                         [--keypath KEYPATH] [-m MIN_ESCROW] [--no-cache]
                         [--nosign] [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q]
                         [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -e ESCROW_USERS, --escrow_users ESCROW_USERS
                        Escrow users list is a comma sepearated list of
                        recovery users that each get part of a key
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  -m MIN_ESCROW, --min_escrow MIN_ESCROW
                        Minimum number of users required to unlock escrowed
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --nosign              Do not digitally sign the password information that
                        you are generating
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


This renames a password in the given repository

usage: rename [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                        [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR] [-i IDENTITY]
                        [--keypath KEYPATH] [--no-cache] [--nopassphrase]
                        [--overwrite] [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--stdin]
                        [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]
                        [pwname] [rename]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:
  rename                New name of the password.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  --overwrite           Overwrite a password that already exists
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


This unlocks a password and displays it on stdout

usage: show [-h] [-a] [-b BEHALF] [--cabundle CABUNDLE]
                      [-c CARD_SLOT] [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                      [-i IDENTITY] [-I] [--keypath KEYPATH] [--no-cache]
                      [--nopassphrase] [--noverify] [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q]
                      [-r] [--stdin] [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             Show all available password to the given user, if a
                        pwname is supplied filtering will be done case-
                        insensitivey based on the filename
  -b BEHALF, --behalf BEHALF
                        Show passwords for a user using a password as its
                        private key
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  -I, --ignore-decrypt  Ignore decryption errors during show all process
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  --noverify            Do not verify certificates and signatures
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  -r, --recovery        Work with passwords distributed through escrow
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)


This changes a password value and redistributes the password to the recipients

usage: update [-h] [--cabundle CABUNDLE] [-c CARD_SLOT]
                        [--certpath CERTPATH] [--color COLOR]
                        [-e ESCROW_USERS] [-i IDENTITY] [--keypath KEYPATH]
                        [-m MIN_ESCROW] [--no-cache] [--noescrow]
                        [--nopassphrase] [--nosign] [--overwrite]
                        [--pwstore PWSTORE] [-q] [--stdin]
                        [--theme-map THEME_MAP] [-v]

positional arguments:
  pwname                Name of the password. Ex:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cabundle CABUNDLE   Path to CA certificate bundle file
  -c CARD_SLOT, --card_slot CARD_SLOT
                        The slot number of the card that should be used
  --certpath CERTPATH   Path to directory containing public keys. Certificates
                        must end in '.cert'
  --color COLOR         Disable color or not, accepts true/false
  -e ESCROW_USERS, --escrow_users ESCROW_USERS
                        Escrow users list is a comma sepearated list of
                        recovery users that each get part of a key
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Override identity of user running the program
  --keypath KEYPATH     Path to directory containing private keys. Keys must
                        end in '.key'
  -m MIN_ESCROW, --min_escrow MIN_ESCROW
                        Minimum number of users required to unlock escrowed
  --no-cache            if using a connector, pull the certs again
  --noescrow            Do not use escrow functionality, ignore defaults in rc
  --nopassphrase, --nopin
                        Do not prompt for a pin/passphrase
  --nosign              Do not digitally sign the password information that
                        you are generating
  --overwrite           Overwrite a password that already exists
  --pwstore PWSTORE, --srcpwstore PWSTORE
                        Path to the source password store. Defaults to
  -q, --quiet           quiet output (show errors only)
  --stdin               Take all password input from stdin instead of from a
                        user input prompt
  --theme-map THEME_MAP
                        Map of colors to use for colorized output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (repeat for increased verbosity)